Monday, March 2, 2009


Alright. I have to admit it. There's this anxiety at this present moment in my life. And probably the anxiety of it all is what drives me. You could call it or relate it to something many people will acknowledge as inner motivation. Its something similar to the new pure and refined petrol oil that we see nowadays on the television, and how it provides extra mileage for every litre in comparison to previous prototypes of petrol oils.

1 part Jagermeister
1 part Vodka
1 part Red Bull
1 part Coke syrup (basically just reduce coke in a pan and add sugar to sweeten, this sounds highly sinful and it takes the gas away, but so what, its still coke to me)
1 part Sambuca

Instructions on how to consume this drink will be disclosed when I've actually tried it.

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